October 14, 2011

Kippah is Home!

Today was the day. The kitten that we fostered and kept as our own for a week and two days, has a new home with my great-Aunt and great-Uncle in Philadelphia. Today, my maternal Grandma, Grandma Rose, and her sister came to our house to pick her up. We talked to my Aunt about what she likes to play with, when she eats, and how she likes to cuddle. Kippah is a big cuddler. We sat around the parlor and watched Kippah play with a red ribbon. It's hours of fun for both the kitten, and us, watching her spaz and jump all over the place.

I was pretty anxious up until about two or three hours ago. We got a call that said that they were home and doing fine. I'll still be pretty nervous. It is going to be weird cleaning out and removing her cage without her in it, meowing for attention. Good news though. We get to cat sit her during Thanksgiving when my Aunt is out of town. I have to say that I feel, for the first time, what it was like to have a cat. I never would have thought that we would be able to domesticate a feral kitten as friendly, loving, and low maintenance as her. If I ever dreamed of having a cat, without the allergies, or the fear that Quincy would eat her, she would be the one. I have never known a cat to look directly into your eyes. She came to our front step for a reason. We have not seen our Aunt for a while, for family reasons I won't get into, and I believe her purpose was to bring us together again. Kippah was our bridge. God work in mysterious ways.

These photos were taken right before my Aunt and Grandma left with Kippah. Bittersweet.

Kisses!!! Going to miss her!! KISS KISS KISS!!!!

My Aunt bonds with her new baby! ♥

This video was taken last night. I love this one! She was so energetic that night. It cracked me up. I have a feeling I will be watching more of my videos of her until I don't miss her so as I do now. This video is a bit lengthy, perhaps to some, but I really love this video and will watch it over and over.

Kippah the Kitten vs My iPhone

She was the lucky one. A very lucky kitten and sweet spirit that found a loving home. I can only hope that we can do the same for all the rest of the cats in our backyard. I worry about their fate. For now, I will thank God for our sweet kitten coming into our lives, and to bless all the other animals whose darling faces I must fast forward on the ASPCA commercials before I cry. Heartbreaking and inspiring. C'est la vie. ...Meow!

October 13, 2011

Kippah Gets a New Home Today!

Today is the day that Kippah, our kitten, will have a new home with my great Aunt. I made a vlog with my iPhone last night. I also posted some random videos of me playing with her. What a special, darling, kitten!

I apologize for our messy basement. We have our laundry there.

She cracks me up!

I love how playful and loving she is. I really do believe she came to us for a reason. I am so glad she will be with someone we know so that we will be able to visit her. We are still going to miss her though. God bless her!


October 8, 2011

Mewing, not Meowing

Since I figured out how to change features on my blog, I figured that it is high time for a revamp. I hope you enjoy it. I'm trying to be more diligent with my blog posts, however it has been difficult to really “vlog” anything lately because when my hard drive crashed a while ago, some of my programs were lost, including all the Microsoft Word programs and my Dell Web Cam Central. Until I find an easy way to get a web cam video recorder program back on my computer, I'll have to improvise other ways to vlog. I really didn't think it would be that hard to re-download Web Cam Central. Apparently there are drivers and scans...blah! It's not like Skype where I downloaded that in a second for free. Don't know why this is more difficult.

By the way, Mom is doing well with recovering from her hip surgery. She has moved on from her walker to quite a stylish cane, and a few days ago had her staples removed. She has been stiff and been in pain, but taking it slow. We pretty much all are, because we have all been sick. I just got over bronchitis and now I caught my sister's cold. My mom had a fever the past two mornings, but has been feeling ok. Hopefully she will not catch anything. Luckily if anytime she were to get sick, at least it was not around the time of her surgery. That would have made the recovery process a bit more harder. Plus, we were on high alert the first few days she came home after her procedure because a high fever can be a sign of a staph infection. Luckily it stayed at a fairly normal level. Currently though, our family is keeping NyQuil in business.

Recently we have noticed that in our backyard, there has been an out of control cat problem. It has been this way for a few years. During the winter when it got colder, the cats found a home underneath our shed. One cat kept getting pregnant and there were litters of cats that would year round find shelter under the shed. This summer we were able to board up the gap underneath the shed to prevent that from happening. We have been doing the most humane thing we can do. In the past we have used humane traps borrowed from the SPCA to catch the cats of all ages. Some of them were tiny kittens and some were adult cats. Almost always have they been scared, aggressive, and feral. That is why we came across a very interesting case a couple nights ago.

It was Tuesday night and Quincy and Tucker, two of our three dogs {the ones who can hear}, were barking like mad at the front door. {Poor Shadow is 14 and deaf =( } We thought it was because our dad was home and they were reacting to that. As I walked to the front door I heard a very high pitched mewing, not meowing, outside. Right there on our front step, no less, was a very tiny kitten. Usually they would never come near the front door, especially with the dogs barking as they were. When we caught them, we could do nothing but hand them off to the SPCA and wish them well. With a feral cat at an adult age, it gets harder and harder to allow them to be domesticated and adopted. Erica, my mom, and I went outside and noticed that the kitten was hiding under the car and not darting away into the dark. Once coaxed out, Erica was able to grab her by throwing a light blanket over her and gingerly picking her up. We used one of the old cages once used for Tucker. She was very tired that first night just slept. Gradually she was able to walk around Erica's room and then on her lap. She eventually warmed up to all of us and is the most loving, trainable, and friendly feral cat I have ever seen. Despite the dogs barking from inside, she still came to our front door. She can't be more than six weeks old and is so tiny. I believe she either wandered away from her mother, or she was kicked out. Sometimes that happens when the mother gets pregnant again, she just abandons her babies. So sad.

I don't know what it is about this kitten, but she is special. We have kept her because we are just not comfortable handing her over to the SPCA or another shelter that might be a kill-shelter. We have been asking work friends and Facebook friends so that we may possibly be able to hand her off to someone we trust and might be able to get updates about. However, we still have an out of control CATastrophe {sorry haha}in our backyard. Despite blocking them from making a home under our shed, they are still reproducing and finding shelter somewhere. We are looking at several rescue organizations. We are really at a loss because some of them are booked up and can't take anymore cats. Seeing the strays constantly roaming and rummaging for food is absolutely heartbreaking. Our little kitten is the lucky one.

Emotionally, we did one of the worst things you could do at this stage. We named her! She has a patch of orange fur on the top of her head that looks like she is wearing the orthodox Jewish head cap called a yarmulke (Ya-Ma-Kah). When Erica mentioned this, I said that as yarmulkes are the more commonly recognized term for the sacred head cap, it is also called by another name in Hebrew which is a Kippah (Key-pah). I had only mentioned this in passing from what I had recently learned of the Jewish culture from a very informative man from the YouTube channel ronennachman770. (I am very interested in learning about all faiths) My mother perked up after I had said this and said, “Kippah! That's a wonderful name for her!” We cannot keep her unfortunately. My mom and I have cat allergies, and we have three dogs. Plus I am pretty sure Quincy could swallow her whole.

The praying has paid off because we have recently found her a good home. My Grandma Rose convinced her sister, our great Aunt Dorthy, to adopt her. It's looks like a perfect match. She does not have any other pets. She was actually cleaning out her basement and found a litter box. She decided not to throw it away for some reason. When I emailed her the picture of the kitten, she literally got goosebumps. I'm so excited and happy, but will still be praying this all works out fine.

I'm extremely excited for October. Hopefully I'm going to have some job interviews lined up now that companies may be looking for seasonal work. I'll definitely be posting entries on my Halloween costume for my friend's birthday/costume party. Shh! It's a secret. I'll show you when I'm all finished. Be prepared though. It will be gruesome! {Evil laugh} MUHAHAHA! Seriously, the end of the year is always my favorite time of year. In about two weeks, we get a visit from some of my best friends, Dan & Ally Auch and their two adorable children Lilianna and Rowan. They are stopping by Pennsylvania as a quick stop before they moved back to Idaho for school at BYU. I miss them so so much. Lily's birthday was last month and I have a special handmade gift for my adorable 2 year old goddaughter. However, since Mrs. Alyssa, my darling friend, also follows my blog, that must also remain a secret. Sorry! I'm so excited on how it will turn out, though!

In the meantime, I have been keeping myself busy with scrapbooking, my favorite hobby, and I also have retaught myself how to crochet. I am very proud of myself. It's like playing an instrument you used to play when you were little. It just comes back to you. I forgot how fun it used to be. My friend Kayla Levan and I are always looking for the next thing to craft. Pinterest is a great website to feed that addiction. Seriously, she showed me that website once and I'm hooked. You make boards and pin photos of your favorite things! Brilliant! Will be keeping you all updated on the kitten, and of course, Mom. Thanks for checking in.


September 22, 2011

10 years ago on September 11th, 2001...

It has been over a week since the 10th anniversary of September 11th, 2001. I had written this a while ago, but was not able to post it on the actual 10th anniversary which was last Sunday. I almost didn't post this at all. However, after some thought, I decided I was going to post it anyway. September 11th, 2001 is not one of those days we should just remember on an anniversary of that day each year. It is important that we always remember. We all knew where we were. Forever will these images be imprinted in our minds. At only twelve years old, there are things I will never forget from that day. No matter how different my story is from one person's to the next, it can never compare to the horror of those felt in line of fire during those pivotal hours in our American history.

It was a sunny Tuesday morning and the second day that week that we, as 8th grade children, had to take our PSSA tests. Early on, as the day started, we jumped right from homeroom into our tests. After a long test that started the day was completed, we were permitted to take a break. I wandered over to the window to take advantage of the warmth of the sun that was shinning in, and probably staring out at the playground counting down the hours until recess. The rest of my classmates were talking and created a white noise of laughter and chatter. I heard the sound of my teacher's radio. Above the chatter, I heard a single word spoken from the radio, “planes.” It was a passing word, in a brief splice of sound that I found innocuous at the moment. The hum of the classroom and my own juvenile daydreaming was what filled my ears and mind. However, not long after I heard the radio, it was clicked off and my teacher was furiously on and off the phone that hung on the wall at the front of the room.

As I was already separated from the rest of the class for silently and independently taking my break time alone, I quickly was more aware of the tension and urgency that the rest of the adults seemed to have. I believe we were told that testing was being postponed, for whatever reason that was given. Teachers quickly rotated between the classrooms, as we were instructed to stay quiet and take this time as study hall to read, write, or do homework. Soon more and more children were being called away from class to go home. My sister and I were also called to the office. Both of our parents were waiting to pick us up. At the time, my dad worked in a very tall building in Philadelphia and took the train into the city each morning. However, with more prominent skyscrapers on city horizons fearing that their building would be the next target for another plane, my dad was told to go home.

I give so much credit to my parents. As scared and confused as I am sure they were, the understanding of what happened that day was slowly and cautiously translated for my sister and I. I remember passing a growing oak tree as we were leaving the parking lot of the school that day and my dad pointed to the tree and said, “Girls, today was a sad and very serious day. With as many leaves are on that tree, are how many people we lost today.” I remember that sticking in my mind and odd enough, still remember the image of that tree. September leaves preparing the colorful transformation of their death all seemed very metaphorical. Still green with life, but winter coming too soon.

We were in between houses during that time, and lived with my Dad's mom, our grandma Mary, until we could move into our new home later that year. When we got into the house, the TV was already on relaying the horrifying images in New York. Just two days earlier, during the weekend, our grandma Rose and our great Aunt took us on a day trip to New York City. We went to many of the popular tourist attraction destinations; Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Time Square etc. I remember distinctly being on the ferry that took us to Ellis Island and for a few moments staring back at the island of Manhattan. My eyes were starring out and locked onto the twin towers of the World Trade Center. A great and large characteristic that was the New York City skyline. As the boat moved and my perspective changed, one of the towers would appear to be moving. As one tower slowly started to hide behind the other, it gave the illusion that the tall steel bars were undulating like waves. I remember this little memory in my mind so distinctly. I don't know why I remember such a silly and small detail about that day. Nothing else seems to be as prominent of a memory as staring back at the last images I would be able to admire of those buildings.

I could watch no longer. Sitting in the living room, staring in horror, I remember my mom thanking God that we were not there today, or else she would not know what to do. It hit me that I was there a mere two days before the city was attacked, and that this was really happening. In my twelve year old mind, I didn't know when this wold stop, and if every major city, down to our small residential home was going to blown up or attacked. I ran upstairs and went to my room. I closed the door behind me and began to cry. I looked at my wrist and remembered, for probably the first time all day, that I was still wearing a bracelet that I had gotten at one of the gift shops in New York that weekend. Without releasing the latch, I ripped off the bracelet and threw it across the room in a rather dramatic fashion. I cried heavy tears of childish confusion and fear. I must have cried myself tired because I woke up later that afternoon wishing that it had all been a nightmare and I would not have to figure out why things like this happen. It was not a dream. All the children of the parents that died that day rang out in my head. I cried and hugged my mom and dad so tight that night as we sat around the kitchen table, with some of us still unable to find sleep or understanding.

One of the lasting, most horrifying images that still stay in my mind are the hundreds of lives that plummeted to the ground from the World Trade Center buildings. Hundreds of people who figured that they were never going to make it, and jumping was the better option. I've heard it put very sensitively that in a way, it was their final decision on how they would perish. I can't imagine the thoughts that would go through one's head as they are free-falling to their death, or if by some great mercy of God, there was not pain or worry felt as they were ready to be embraced by heavenly light. I believe no merciful God of ours would ever make suicide, especially in this situation, a sin.

The next day, my disposable camera pictures that were sent through the mail that weekend, was shipped to my grandmother's house. On the back of the photos wrote out “printed on Sep. 11, 2001.” We flipped through the pictures as many of them showed the twin towers mere days before they would stand no more.

It is something that we cannot ever forget. For the respect of the tireless and unflagging work that was done in order to save the lives that were spared that day. We remember so the lives lost were not in vein. The incomparable bravery from the police, fire departments, and EMT who walked into the crumbling building, and into fire. We remember the talented angels called nurses and doctors who treated the injured and saved many lives that day too. I spoke to a young fireman recently and he mentioned how now is a time that we focus on “thanking a solider,” which is something we all must do, but we cannot forget all the work that is done to keep us safe and protected here at home. Allow yourself to think about this day. Allow yourself to cry. Absorb it into your heart. Hug your loved ones a bit more. Devastating things happen when actions are motivated with hate instead of love. Love your-self and love others.

September 19, 2011

Hello again friends!

As you may have noticed, I have changed the background of my blog for a patriotic entry I am about to post. It has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog or my YouTube Channel, CiarloneShow, vlog. There are not a lot of vlogs there, but I am working on that. For the longest time I was going to post an entry about my trip to Washington, D.C. where I saw Kathy Griffin preform her stand-up at The Kennedy Center. There were a few videos, as well as pictures, that I was going to piece together into one video, but had trouble converting the videos into a format that Movie Maker would accept. I finally got frustrated and just posted the videos in parts on my other YouTube channel, MissKTTV, if you are interested. Really, it's nothing spectacular. It's my mom and I at Starbucks, in the Taxi, etc. The pictures of Kathy didn't come out very well and I have an extreamely short snip-it of video of her on stage. This was all the way back in February of this year so it almost seemed irrelevant. It was still a ball for my mom and I to go there and spend time together (what a windy day that was!) and to finally watch Kathy Griffin preform live on stage. That was a thrill!

Finally have a bit of time off from school so more blogging/vlogging ahead. YAY! FINALLY! I have been sick a lot lately which regrettably has been affecting my grades. Currently fighting an upper respiratory infection. I'm not worried about me, however, my mom has a hip replacement surgery tomorrow on Monday the 19th. Praying all goes well for her and that the surgery goes smoothly. If you are reading this, a quick prayer from you would be greatly appreciate and I will love you very much for doing that. =) Thanks! It really kills me that I cannot help her in the hospital, but I cannot be in the hospital coughing up a lung and sounding like I do right now. haha. I'd just be a horrible germ carrier into an extremely sterile hospital. Yuck!

This week will be very busy and I am praying that my mom heals fast and recovers with ease. You will be sure to see more blogs and vlogs soon, so thanks for sticking around. I appreciate your well wishes and prayers SO MUCH that I have read from my facebook friends and my tweet-hearts on twitter. I read them to my mom, and she was very touched. Thanks all so so much and I will keep you all updated on her condition. Until then, time to submit the next blog post, and map out serveal more blogging and vlogging ideas. Staying positive and emitting only positive energy! =D



August 11, 2011

Harry Potter World!

Trying to take another crack at blogging again. Despite being in between jobs right now, you think that I would have been blogging more. Unemployed I may be, but many things have been going on and have been keeping me busy, including working on my college degree. This is a temporary state, but I must take it as a blessing in disguise as my grades are undoubtedly improving. It's a shame that I was laid off because I really liked my job and I am hoping to get into another medical billing position as soon as possible. I'm doing what I can now which is searching, applying, resume revising, and collecting unemployment this time. Something I was a bit embarrassed to do, but has really helped with paying for physical therapy, doctor's visits, and insurance payments. For the time being, it will have to do. At least I am sustaining my well being.

Last month, our family went to Orlando for a week. We had been in the Disney World Parks before on previous trips to Florida, however this trip was a week devoted to Universal Studios. The main attraction, if not the whole reason for the trip, was The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! What made the trip even more spectacular was that the very last last LAST Harry Potter Movie, Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II, otherwise known as HP7, opened the week we were down there. (More on that in a bit.)

This video is the first night that we were in Florida. During the week we had a batch of horrible thunderstorms. I have never heard lighting so loud before in my life. Out of nowhere at 38 seconds it was like a BOMB went off. Startled me so much, the camera shook. HAHA! Poor Erica was not having any of it. She hates storms.
Luckily no horrible storms while we were actually in the park. There was a passing rain shower during one of the days we were in the Harry Potter Park, but it was brief and honestly, refreshing.

Can't wait to get into Harry Potter World! Waited so long for this! Just look at that excitement on her face! =D

We referred to it as Harry Potter World when my sister, my fellow Potter fans, and I realized it is shorter and easier to yell, “HARRY POTTER WORLD!”, when you realize that it's that freaking awesome. The scenery was so fitting and everything felt like you were really walking through a magical realm of a world you came to love through your entire childhood from the book and movie series. Every little detail, the architecture, the convincing snow laden rooftops and crocked chimneys of Hogsmeade, (which really made you wish for snow, or at least a pleasant breeze in the Florida heat), the exteriors of the shops, and of course the Hogwarts castle was absolutely mind blowing. When you stepped back from the hustle and bustle of the tourism, which I allowed my self to do from time to time, and just quiet everything around you and take in the complete awe of it, you find the peaceful childhood bliss with everything you grew up with. Looking up at the Hogwarts castle made you want to get your wands ready (which I have a wand now, thank you very much) and transfer your credits to a new school.

The Butterbeer was delicious, but kinda not what I thought it would taste like? I expected more of a butterscotch or butter like taste. Especially since the original recipe calls for real butter. It really tasted like frothy, thick, vanilla cream soda. Nevertheless, it tasted great! What I really enjoyed more though was the pumpkin fizz, pumpkin juice, and pear cider. We ate a hardy and scrumptious meal at The Three Broomsticks. There were a few rides inside the park, but the one that we had waited this whole time for was The Harry Potter Experience ride. The wait was an unbelievably hot two hours. But once we finally made it inside and through the castle, it proved to be all worth it. Each sight was more “spellbinding” than the next. The ride was incredible and unlike any ride I have been on. A magic broom flight that swings you through actual sets and in front of a convincing projection type technology that has you believe you are flying high above a Quidditch field with Harry Potter himself. Looking back, I'm still baffled with how realistic that technology worked.

A capella singers within the park

What you get when you combine Glee with Harry Potter

...Probably safe to say that the Hippogriff song was stuck in my head for quite a while.

The pièce de résistance was being able to watch the movie that the trip was for. The night the movie game out at midnight, there was a line stretched out the walk, so much so that the local news came by to cover the story. We, however, were not amongst that crowd. The people who were there for the midnight showing, which I can't imagine how much ahead of time one would pre-order those tickets, were treated to going to the Harry Potter World park after the movie until 5am in the morning! There had to be no lines for anything! And all the butterbeer one could drink...jealous. But we went the next night...or later that day...if you want to be technical, and joined in the spectacle. There were those who dressed up, even a motor chaired, bearded Hagrid was in our theater. I wanted to dress up too, however when I realized that the cloaks, each with their own appropriate coordinated house colors were $100 each, I decided not too. I had my wand which was good enough for me. I bought the Luna Lovegood wand. It is in the design of a petite flower and I thought the delicate craftsmanship of that design suited my personality. Erica got Voldemort's wand. Not the Elder wand that he uses in the last films, but they had that one as well. I wish they had Bellatrix's wand. I'm a Helena Bonham Carter fan and I want Bellatrix's wand someday. (I'm a dorky fan, I get it. XP I don't care! hehe!)

The most bad-ass looking wand. EVIL!

I am not ruining anything for those who have not seen the series end by saying that the ending was a perfectly satisfactory, nostalgic ending to one of the best long running movie series in history. I loved our crowd. When the opening title blasted on the screen, Erica let out a WHOOT and set the whole audience into cheers, whistles, and clapping. It was a joyous connection, but one that we all knew was the end. From then on, at every appropriate joke, kiss, diss, or triumph, it was met with equal cheers and of course, audible sniffles and tears at the end. I admit, I cried! It was part nostalgia or part of just being in the moment and letting a movie with all of it's emotion take you back through your childhood to that moment. It was amazing, and that is all I'm going to say. You won't be disappointed. They were happy tears...honest.

Erica is not so happy that it is all over =(

I could go on about the rest of our excursions through the different parks within Universal Studios, but really the whole trip was so great. I got to spend time with my family and we explored other attractions in Orlando including Ripley's Believe it or Not. We also went to some pretty cool restaurants. “Joe's Crab Shack” was so great! Can always appreciated a restaurant that will gather all their waiters and waitresses around to dance to their own version of Thriller. Random, but entertaining as hell. As well as the doomed birthday customers including a guy that had to wear coconut bra and forced to do his own little dance. Hah!

The thing that I loved most, next to Harry Potter World, was that there was a tiny museum and gift shop devoted to I Love Lucy! I was in heaven, snapped a ton of pictures, and just went ga-ga! Last week in fact, Lucille Ball would have been 100 years old on August 6. Ever since I was little she has been my idol and she really was an amazing woman and not only because she was hilariously funny. She was a supreme businesswoman and a pioneer being the first female television mogul. She was the first woman to run a major television Studio. Desilu Studios was home to shows like Star Trek, The Andy Griffith Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show, and Mission: Impossible. She was meticulous in her craft, always honest with her audience, and a master of her art. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!

Lucy gift shop! WHOOO!

The rest of the trip was relaxing in our condo and down at the pool. I got so burned the first day we went to the park, though. (Lesson learned. You can get burned just walking around in 98 degree weather. DOY!) We swam in the pool often meeting fun characters and for me, be able to pool side read. I finished an entire book on my trip. Not to mention that I also finished (and passed) my course in psychology. I felt bad if I had to ask them to put my studies on pause, afraid of what catching up I would have to do so late in the course. I toughed through it and was actually proud of the work I got done while vacationing. It wasn’t easy, but I still miraculously got time to pleasure read.

After sending out the postcards, (some from the Owl Post post office within in the park) packing up, and obsessively checking under the bed ten times, reality was hitting that we were going home. To tell the truth, I was getting pretty home sick toward the end of our trip. I missed seeing our dogs and felt weird that I couldn’t completely relax knowing we weren't there for them. Shadow is old, Quincy is our new and rambunctious puppy, and Tucker...well Tucker is a basket case. I was afraid that Quincy may have thought that we had abandoned him. I was hoping Tucker and Shadow would fill him in on the situation. Ha. It was fantastic for all four of us to lay on the floor and watch them go wild with kisses and roll all over the place with us when we returned home.

I hope you enjoy the tiny snip-its of videos and pictures from our trip. I promise that I will be more diligent with writing as soon as I can. Thanks again for reading!


April 18, 2011

Baby Names & Family!

I apologize for how long it has taken me to post anything. Both a blog and a vlog. I have been very busy with my schoolwork and I am very excited because I just started my new job this past week! My first day was last Monday. I work in processing medical bills. It is data entry and it is repetitive so once you get into a rhythm, it becomes fun. (Wow, did I just say that? Haha.) It really is though! That is how my mind works, in formulas, patterns, and lists. I’m still learning though. I have a lot of generous new friends I am making that are very helpful in showing me the ropes. But really, I’m so ecstatic to be working and at a job that I really enjoy working at again. I have my very own cubical! I have to start decorating it cute for Easter!

But as for this vlog that I finally came around to recording, I was inspired to do this favorite baby names tag from one of my favorite Youtube channels that I follow, AnastasiaRuby. Her name is Stephanie and she posts videos all the time about baby names and everything about them. Videos on their meaning, by theme, by letter! I love watching her channel and I love getting new ideas for not only what names that I like for possible future children of mine, but also names for characters when I write.

Mariska Hargitay and her new daughter, Amaya Josephine

Speaking of names and babies, and since I do mention Mariska Hargitay on this blog quite often, I could not pass up the chance to mention the fact that she has adopted a beautiful brand new baby girl named Amaya Josephine. Amaya is Japanese for night rain. I love the name Josephine as well. I have a second cousin named Josephine. It's a family name. Our great grandmother Josephine and great grandfather Leo were two people who were children of Italian immigrants who were from a part of PA known as Johnsontown. You wont find it on a map, but it was a place the local Italians and my family knew where it used to be. My great-great grandparents used to own that town until a few greedy businessmen ripped him off. Anyway, Great Mum-mum Josephine and Pup-pup Leo fell in love and raised a family in Downingtown making this big BIG numerous Italian family possible. Josephine means “God will increase” so that he did. Haha. So Josephine is family name passed down to her. She's precious and over a year old now. This photo was taken at last year’s Easter. I wonder how adorable she will look this year?

Baby Josephine Marie Trancucci and me! =D

Easter is such a big deal with our family. Firstly, the majority of our family is Roman Catholic. Secondly, we have a huge traditional Easter breakfast that takes place every year, no matter what. Lots of food, lots of blessings, and lots of family. I mean a lot too! Probably the biggest get together I have ever been to had to be over 250 people. But my family, I love them!

It makes me think a lot about bringing my own family to these family gatherings someday. As much as I would love to be pregnant and have children of my own and yes, selfishly and concededly to look like me, I have always wanted to adopt as well. Probably since I was 13 and I saw a special on Oprah about baby girls in China. But it is also a fact that there are many children here in America that need to be adopted as well, which is just what Mariska did, a domestic adoption. I don't know how I would ever want to do it in the future. My parents certainly considered it at one point as well. It is all how God answers your prayers. No matter what, a baby is always a gift.

Oh, by the way! In the video you will also meet our new puppy, Quincy. He is 3 months old now and so cute and trainable. However, his teeth are razor sharp and he has yet to differentiate the distinction between play nipping and biting everything in sight, which include our toes, hands, and face. He is darling though, and we now have three dogs in the house. We have Shadow (14), Tucker (7), and now Quincy. We got him to howl today. It was pretty funny!

I must wrap this up now. I will post as often as I can. School is my main focus when I come home so I will try to check in as soon as I am able! Thanks for reading and/or watching!
