September 19, 2011

Hello again friends!

As you may have noticed, I have changed the background of my blog for a patriotic entry I am about to post. It has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog or my YouTube Channel, CiarloneShow, vlog. There are not a lot of vlogs there, but I am working on that. For the longest time I was going to post an entry about my trip to Washington, D.C. where I saw Kathy Griffin preform her stand-up at The Kennedy Center. There were a few videos, as well as pictures, that I was going to piece together into one video, but had trouble converting the videos into a format that Movie Maker would accept. I finally got frustrated and just posted the videos in parts on my other YouTube channel, MissKTTV, if you are interested. Really, it's nothing spectacular. It's my mom and I at Starbucks, in the Taxi, etc. The pictures of Kathy didn't come out very well and I have an extreamely short snip-it of video of her on stage. This was all the way back in February of this year so it almost seemed irrelevant. It was still a ball for my mom and I to go there and spend time together (what a windy day that was!) and to finally watch Kathy Griffin preform live on stage. That was a thrill!

Finally have a bit of time off from school so more blogging/vlogging ahead. YAY! FINALLY! I have been sick a lot lately which regrettably has been affecting my grades. Currently fighting an upper respiratory infection. I'm not worried about me, however, my mom has a hip replacement surgery tomorrow on Monday the 19th. Praying all goes well for her and that the surgery goes smoothly. If you are reading this, a quick prayer from you would be greatly appreciate and I will love you very much for doing that. =) Thanks! It really kills me that I cannot help her in the hospital, but I cannot be in the hospital coughing up a lung and sounding like I do right now. haha. I'd just be a horrible germ carrier into an extremely sterile hospital. Yuck!

This week will be very busy and I am praying that my mom heals fast and recovers with ease. You will be sure to see more blogs and vlogs soon, so thanks for sticking around. I appreciate your well wishes and prayers SO MUCH that I have read from my facebook friends and my tweet-hearts on twitter. I read them to my mom, and she was very touched. Thanks all so so much and I will keep you all updated on her condition. Until then, time to submit the next blog post, and map out serveal more blogging and vlogging ideas. Staying positive and emitting only positive energy! =D




  1. First, I love the new background!

    Secondly, hopefully you can use this time off from school to get some RnR. Take care of yourself!

    As I told you on twitter I'm praying for a smooth surgery for your mom and all goes well! I also hope she has a quick and painless recovery! I'll be thinking of you <3

    And lastly, I love your positive energy posts, haha. I have to remember to think of that when the negative thoughts get me down!


  2. Thanks Jess! She's doing well and I officially took a leave of absence from school.
    I was thinking about writing a separate post on positive energy. It helps to have them and spread them around.
    Thanks for the comment, hun!
