March 9, 2011


Sorry I have not updated since my anti dating violence Valentine’s Day post. I have been meaning to post the videos of when my mom and I saw Kathy Griffin perform in Washington D.C. on February 25th. I promise those will be posted as soon as I can. I am working on changing the video format so I can edit it into a longer vlog video.


In the meantime, I made a page. I made one because I needed to make one to ask questions of this page I follow I watch her Youtube videos on her channel AnastasiaRuby otherwise known as Stephanie, the Baby Name Guru. Not that I am planning on having a baby anytime soon, but it is really fun making lists of your favorite names. Just like I remember doing with my girlfriends in middle school. Plus I like writing fictional stories and it is fun to find interesting fictional names to write with. She gives great ideas on theme names, trendy names, nicknames, and she has even gone through the alphabet with lists of popular names from each letter. She is from the British Columbia in Canada, is very pretty, and her videos are fun to watch and are very helpful when looking for the perfect name(s). Check out her channel!

I created my formspring to ask Stephanie questions about names and such. I don’t know why or what questions anyone would ask me, but I figured that since I have not submitted a blog post in a while, I’d update it with something interesting. My formspring username is LadyKathrynLC. Ask away if you would like. I would love to know how I should change up my blog or what you would like me to write about. Want me to promote something of yours? Have a fundraiser or charity you want attention for? I don’t know. I’d love for you to ask me questions and for your feedback. As always, please follow this blog and thanks for reading!

My formspring: LadyKathrynLC

My YouTube Channel: CiarloneShow



  1. Well gee, you couldn't have told me about the name lady BEFORE my kids were born???? lol, just kidding sweetie. That's really, cool, I'll have to check her out! You'll have children one day, I have no doubt.

    Thanks for updating your blog, I love reading about what you are up to. Love ya!

  2. Haha. I know Ally, I thought about you when I found her but I have only recently become familiar with her channel last month. Ironically, one of her favorite boy names is Rowan! I think she spells it Roen, though?
    I can't wait to have kids someday. And just like middle school, I know that my favorites list will change dozens of times before then. Maybe I'll maybe a vlog about my favortie baby names while I try to edit my Kathy Griffin video? Yes! I'm on it!
    Thanks for reading Ally dear! Keep reading & commenting! I adore your blog and just read your most recent ones. Poor Rowan the drama king. Precious face! Lilianna looks so tall now! She getting so grown up! Ugh! I miss you guys so much! Kisses to all! Blog to ya soon! ;) <3

  3. Awesome Katie! I have been writing forever and it is always great to have a list of baby names. Not only can we read them, but we can also hear them now! Amazing! I'll check her out and I'll definitely take a look at your question site. Thanks for following my blog!
